froodle wrote in
Nov 10, 2016 19:30
Be careful which arty kid you piss off, because you just may end up in a fish bowl for your trouble. Settle in for tonight's episode of the Eerie, Indiana 2016 rewatch, Who's Who?
trope: shitty parenting abounds in eerie,
comm event: 25th anniversary,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2016,
char: bob family,
char: mars,
char: edgar,
char: simon,
discussion: episode,
place: world o' stuff,
ep: who's who,
discussion: character,
org: eerie police,
char: fred suggs,
char: syndi,
char: sara sue,
char: sergeant knight
froodle wrote in
Nov 03, 2016 19:30
Brace yourselves for the unchanging horror of Tobey Maguire's nightmarish face, because you opened someone else's mail and now it's time for... The Dead Letter!
char: mary c carter,
discussion: timeframe,
comm event: 25th anniversary,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2016,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
char: simon,
discussion: episode,
place: eerie library,
char: tripp,
place: world o' stuff,
char: mary b carter,
cryptid: jackalope,
discussion: character,
ep: dead letter,
trope: milk trucks are a menace,
char: syndi,
org: eerie dairy
froodle wrote in
Oct 27, 2016 19:30
Be prepared to develop a life-long fear of milk trucks and possibly dairy in general, because we're about to watch Heart on a Chain!
place: eerie hospital,
char: elvis,
comm event: 25th anniversary,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2016,
char: edgar,
char: mars,
trope: love is stronger than death,
char: simon,
char: melanie,
discussion: episode,
place: bf skinner junior high,
discussion: character,
char: devon,
char: syndi,
org: eerie dairy
froodle wrote in
Oct 20, 2016 19:30
Break the glass and expose the enabling code that will allow you to access the Doomsday Device, the Big Bang of Band Taste, because Nurse Nancy is coming your way...
discussion: episode,
place: bf skinner junior high,
char: dimsdale,
char: principal togar,
comm event: 25th anniversary,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2016,
ep: just say no fun,
discussion: character,
char: mars,
char: edgar,
char: nancy,
char: simon
froodle wrote in
Oct 13, 2016 19:30
Ready to revisit Boris Von Orloff's most memorable role for the next sixty years? No? Put the remote aside then, because we're about to watch Scariest Home Videos...
discussion: episode,
char: harley,
comm event: 25th anniversary,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2016,
discussion: character,
char: mars,
char: edgar,
seasonal: halloween,
char: boris von orloff,
char: simon,
ep: scariest home movies
froodle wrote in
Oct 06, 2016 19:30
Secure your glasses, the batteries in your remote control, and any other small easily misplaced bric-a-brac, because tonight were watching the Losers
discussion: timeframe,
ep: the losers,
comm event: 25th anniversary,
char: marilyn,
comm event: rewatch 2016,
char: mars,
char: edgar,
place: eeriemat,
char: simon,
org: bureau of lost,
discussion: episode,
char: lodgepoole,
discussion: character,
char: al,
char: syndi,
org: things incorporated